Looks like for this challenge we will be using some Python3. Make sure you have python 3 installed. Since I am on a Linux machine I can just run python3 to verify. Python is a really powerful language. You can use it to automate various tasks or create your own exploits. Once you get the READ MORE
Author: wkbrdr8522
Day 14 (Task 19) Where’s Rudolph? Advent of Cyber 2 TryHackMe
For this challenge we will need to perform some Open Source Intelligence, otherwise known as OSINT. This is using information that is available on the internet to discover more information about a target. You can use this to discover information about a company or information about a specific person. You can also use it to READ MORE
Day 13 (Task 18) Coal for Christmas – Advent of Cyber2 TryHackMe
The first thing we will need to do after deploying our target is to scan it. I am going to use Nmap to scan the target. nmap -p- -sV -T4 –reason -p- is to scan all ports-sV is to scan for the services on the open ports-T4 is how fast you want to scan. READ MORE
Day 12 (Task 17) Ready, set, elf – Advent of Cyber 2 TryHackMe
So for this one we will need to perform some enumeration on the machine to discover what port the web server is on. Hopefully we can gain some information about the web server version through headers, error messages, or through Nmap. Let’s start off my running Nmap against the target. I will scan all the READ MORE
Day 11 (Task 16) The Rogue Gnome – Advent of Cyber 2 TryHackMe
Looks like we need to help Elf McEager escalate their privileges. They have gained access to a machine, but need to escalate to the root user. There are 2 different options when escalating privileges, horizontal and vertical. Horizontal let’s you move to another user’s account. This may allow you to access different documents that your READ MORE
Day 10 (Task 15) Don’t be sElfish! – Advent of Cyber 2 TryHackMe
Reading the story it seems like Elf McSkidy set up a Samba file server. I wonder if we can possible abuse that port. Let’s run our Nmap scans and see what ports are open. It looks like port 139 and port 445 are open. Let’s try to connect to them, maybe we can use a READ MORE
Day 9 (Task 14) Anyone can be Santa! – Advent of Cyber 2 TryHackMe
Our goal is to recreate a hack an attacker did to the server The Best Festival Company (TBFC). Let’s start off by running Nmap against the IP. Alright we have an FTP server, with anonymous login allowed. We can login without having to use any accounts! We also have SSH open. Let’s login to the READ MORE
Day 8 (Task 13) What’s Under the Christmas Tree? – Advent of Cyber 2 TryHackMe
Looks like we will be using Nmap for this task. The first question is when was snort created. I was shocked at how old this program is. A quick Google search will provide the answer. Now we need to know what port numbers are running services, so run a nmap scan like so: nmap -p- READ MORE
Day 7 (Task 12) The Grinch Really Did Steal Christmas – Advent of Cyber 2 TryHackMe
For this task we are given a pcap file and will need to analyze it in Wireshark. Wireshark is a very powerful tool, capable of reading network captures, as well as capturing network traffic. This is great to learning about machines on the network and possibly capturing some juicy data. Defenders use this a lot READ MORE
Day 6 (Task 11) Be careful with what you wish on a Christmas night – Advent of Cyber 2 TryHackMe
Let’s start off by scanning our machine with Nmap. nmap -p- -sV -T All ports (-p-) and services on those ports (-sV) with the 2nd highest scan time (T4) Looks like we have port 22 (ssh) and port 5000 open, which is a web server. Let’s visit the website athttp:// Looks like we can READ MORE